Monday, March 3, 2008


What would Tricia do? My God she was an amazing woman! No better proof was given than the fact that Holy Spirit Church was packed with hundreds of people paying their respects and honoring her life. I have come away from it all in awe of her and inspired to live my life with more humility. I'm not the only one. Last week my Uncle Pat's Facebook status read "Patrick wants to be more like Tricia". Nancy's wait in the line at the DMV seemed less of a trial when thinking about her. Barbara said Tricia will now serve as her marker in life. Oh that everyone has this example to follow. This wife, mother, and teacher involved in prayer groups and book clubs, taking her kids to soccer, rowing, swimming, and countless other activities and events. Always with a smile and without complaint. Always, until the very end. She told Father Sam, "do not make me out to be a saint". I'm sorry Tricia, there is no better way to describe you.
This is my favorite and saddest picture of the weekend. This is my grandmother looking at one of the Tricia memory boards. Grandma was amazing this weekend. I will never forget her words of comfort to others at a time when she needed comfort the most. There is no question where Tricia got her strength.

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